Really Senescent Syndication

The other morning, I was neurotically reading all the tweets I missed while I slept, and I came across a mini tweet-storm from Federico Vittici of and The Prompt fame. He was expressing frustration with elements of his posts not being appropriately captured, in the RSS feed, and presented in feed readers. This, of course, isn’t really the fault of the feed readers, they are conforming to a specification. It’s the fault of the positively antediluvian specifications for RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0. Yes, that is 2003, and 2005, respectively. This is in no way, shape, or form keeping current with what “The Web” is these days, what is in a web page, these days. I joked about in the previous post, the W3C Atom validation widget said that <figcaption> was not a valid HTML tag. Ahem.

The modern web uses <script> tags for everything. There is JavaScript all around you (like roaches) and it does all kinds of neat tricks on the pages you visit. Sure, there’s the scary, ad-tracking, privacy-invading kind, but there’s also stuff like pretty animations, and swell graphs. Federico wanted to return to truncating his feed for this very reason. He went through so much trouble putting together his site, and the features, that it was an anathema to him to have it neutered by the requirements of feeds.

Days before that, Casey Liss (Who the hell is Casey?) complained on Twitter about the bits and pieces of tags that feeders wouldn’t render either, of course it was also the <script> tag.

Why are things this way? How can this specification be so criminally neglected, and misunderstood? I posit that it’s precisely because of “Web 2.0”, and more recent, events. Small startups with publish/subscribe features appeared to push and display content for us. Things like Blogger, and Google Reader fell out of fashion for things like Facebook and Tumblr. After all, RSS and Atom are files, not protocols for synchronizing data. They have no social features whatsoever. You can’t click a button in your RSS reader of choice and the feed owner gets a ‘like’ back. That’s the kind of vanity people expect these days. It’s better to be in a walled garden than to be a wallflower. While Twitter and Tumblr initially supported exporting flattened data to RSS feeds, the use of the features declined because users could not interact with the services. Then services started to phase out RSS (Tumblr still has some, limited RSS support).

The whole reason I moved off of Tumblr was because they were truncating posts in my feed. Not just a little truncated, mind you, but there usually wasn’t even a full sentence in the entry in the feed. When I contacted their support, they plainly told me they had no interest in doing anything about it. I can see why they wouldn’t, advertising revenue comes from the dashboard, so everyone should read Tumblr blogs on the dashboard. Feedpress even ran in to RSS support problems when Tumblr quietly nixed the ability to redirect to another feed. This particular frog was starting to feel the water boil.

Dining on Ashes

Much like an old house, there are layers that have been patched, ripped off, gutted, plastered, drywalled, and rewired. RSS really started as the project of Dave Winer (a person that has managed to stumble backwards in to nearly every controversy you can imagine) when he was at the company UserLand. Netscape co-opted his work with some custom headers and called it RSS. Dave and Netscape went back and forth about what to do with it for a while. Eventually, RSS 2.0 was released. Then, that was it.

Atom was a project started to fix quirks of RSS that had arisen because of its percolating development. It was going to be the new, hot thing. No restrictions to the past, a clean break and a path to the future!

Only problem is that no one has touched either in aeons. Indeed, their web sites are the very model of inactive development. A part of the website for RSS, hosted by Harvard Law, boasts how it was converted to static files so it was easier to keep serving the files forever. I mean, that’s nice and all, but shouldn’t that be a red flag that nothing is happening?

Alpha Google and Omega Google

Way back at Google’s inception, they used to let engineers run amok and make novel things. One of those things turned out to be Google Reader. It used the Atom format internally, converting incoming RSS to Atom, and using private APIs to manage things. People tapped in to those over time. When Google killed it, there was a great cambrian explosion where people took their feeds off to other services. Many bloggers hailed this is as renaissance for feeds. How exciting to think of managing feeds! (I guess?)

I largely ignored all of this because I didn’t like stripped-down formatting in feeds, and unread badges. I was more than happy to just go to each bookmark, look for new stuff, and read it on the site. Later, mixing links from Twitter in to the process. Indeed, to this day, I read most of the material I see online from links that other people post on Twitter.

Where the hell is Donatello?

Where’s the fucking renaissance? I see none of that early exuberance yielding any advancement of any format for streams of syndicated content. Whatever classification you want to assign to it, RSS, Atom — anything else — nothing is happening. What I do see, and hear on podcasts, are people complaining about improperly formatted XML that doesn’t conform to 2003 and 2005 specifications. Indeed today I listened to Myke Hurley’s excellent CMD+Space with Padraig Kennedy and Oisin Prendiville of Supertop. Padraig and Oisin lamented that the best influence on podcast feeds was iTunes guaranteeing some lowest common denominator of conformity. That is hardly a ringing endorsement of Apple’s influence on the market, but it is a realistic assessment that without Google, it’s basically just Apple’s managed feeds of audio holding on a line in the sand on bare minimum.

And yet, there are still services built to synchronize these outmoded, meticulously-manicured menageries in perpetuity. There is no life left in these formats. They are operating on support systems pumping social-air in to them, carrying read-waste away.

These standards are no more. They have ceased to be.

United Federation of Something–Something

From the above description, the angry, pitchfork-equipped villager might incorrectly infer that the onus is on a singular party to step forward to fix all this mess. That some stranger will wander in to town, the ‘sheriff’ badge shall be affixed to him, or her, and they will right the wrongs. That won’t solve anything, then you just have another Twitter, or another Facebook. Even when the goals are lofty, like they were for Diaspora (Oh look at me, remembering things) or for App Dot Net. There needs to be a body of people interested in moving things forward for many players in the market. Singular sources of propulsion are simply not going to get anyone anywhere. We need federated protocols and services (it’s just as exciting as it sounds!) where no singular entity can absorb the entirety of the market (Google Reader, iTunes), but not so Linuxy that they can’t get anything accomplished. That is easier said than done, however, because people are horrible. Look at you! You’re already thinking this won’t work so don’t judge me for also thinking this won’t work.

A Serious Sketch

Moving on with A Serious Sketch, or an ASS, let’s break out a few requirements that we may feel are obvious these days but were not obvious when these specifications were engineered.

  1. Data for a reader is synchronized across all of a reader’s devices.
  2. Updates from writers/podcasters/artists can be pushed incrementally, rather than in one, monolithic feed refresh. People could still host static feeds that get polled for changes, but the option to push changes would benefit many. Think about push and non-push email on your phone. Both can co-exist, one is for serious business.
  3. Anonymous reader statistics can be part of a platform because the reality is that it is important to know, at the very minimum, reader counts for ad-supported content. (And vanity.)
    1. Update: Dan Benjamin had a tweet about RSS after this originally posted, stating that unique subscriber counts were important. I was speaking broadly above, but there’d need to be some very specific metrics provided in order for any system to not only be useful, but also uniform.
  4. Social features, like assigning some gratitude-based star, or heart, widget to incrementally praise someone and to show other potential readers that they might also find the content interesting based solely on the amount of aggregated interest in it by other readers. (And vanity.)
  5. Real support for every HTML tag, CSS selector, and every feature. Sure, there will always be room for people to use mobilizers, to make certain sites legible, but we should not start from the assumption that no one should be given the chance to show a full, “web” experience.
  6. No more handwritten XML. Make serious, fucking tools for generating feeds. No ambiguity about what a field is for, or about which optional tags can be used. Atom is a decent start in this regard but there is no “make an Atom feed” kit.
  7. Break the “feed” up in to multiple files by default. No more singular file feeds that will hit a 150 kb wall of sadness. The web exists as standalone XML (HTML == XML) there is no reason XML can’t be served, as needed, on demand.
  8. Do not rely on timestamps to update the content! Especially if content will be rich, and not the plainest of plain text. We have so many diverse mechanisms to tell if a file is different from another file, or for a file to report it is different by sharing very minimal amounts of data. There is no reason to rely on someone updating a totally optional field, or expecting a reader’s client to go above and beyond the expectation of the specification.
  9. Real, functional, individualized password protection. There are some loopy, buggy ways to password protect feeds right now. This has certainly played a part in shaping content on the internet to be primarily ad-driven instead of pay-wall. If the feed is in files, then it’s even easier to allow incremental access, or to allow other kinds of access. Think about Dropbox shared URLs that get generated, and revoked, at a user’s whim. No one can really host a feed through Dropbox though. Even if you could you wouldn’t have any authentication portal that RSS readers, or podcast clients, would recognize. You’d need to have some way to say, “Hey, here’s some fucking password protected shit.”

See that stuff? It’s not crazy stuff! The word “computer” in my degree is followed by “animation”, not “science” or “engineering”. Surely someone with actual brains could do reason things through better than I. Think of all the services that we use today that do that stuff! Think about the fact that when you read a RSS, or Atom, feed you’re basically doing one of the most archaic things you can do with digital devices. Even email support for rich content is 500,000x ahead of what your feed reader of choice can do, and that’s email. You might as well subscribe to newsletters! You’d see feature development occur at a faster pace. (Anything’s faster than 0 though.)

2014-05-28 00:52:00

Category: text